AGM 2021

5 clubs attended the AGM and the motion to extend the season if necessary was carried so, at the discretion of the Executive Committee matches can be arranged after 31st March 2022.

The Executive Committee have to try to fill two posts that were not filled at the AGM. These were Minute Secretary and Media Convenor.

Surrey Masters Team Event

See below an email regarding this:-

From: Marion Eyles <>
Sent: 23 April 2021 10:47
To: ‘Marion’ <>
Subject: Surrey County BA Masters Teams Tournament – August 2021

Dear All

I hope you are well and looking forward to being back on court.

Once again Surrey County BA Masters Committee plans to run the Masters Teams Tournament on Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th August 2021 (August Bank Holiday weekend) at Wimbledon Racquets & Fitness Club.  I am writing to ask if you and some of your badminton friends will be interested in taking part and should be very grateful if you would let me know if you wish to be involved.  Please let me have your reply by 15th May.

Each team’s squad can consist of 8 players (4 men and 4 ladies); all the players must be over 40 years of age.  For every match you may use only 6 players (3 men and 3 ladies), and the total age of these 6 players must be a minimum of 310 years.  Team members do not have to belong to the same club or even to the same county.  Teams will play at least 5 matches during the course of the weekend; each match will consist of 3 mixed doubles, 3 ladies doubles and 3 men’s doubles, playing one game to 21 points.  If you cannot find 6 players to form a team, please contact us and we will do our best to assist you with this.

The team entry fee is likely to be in the region of £240 per team of 6 (£40.00 per player) which includes not only a weekend of badminton but also a buffet and entertainment on the Saturday night.  Guests may be invited to the buffet and entertainment on payment of an additional fee.  The entry form, giving further details, will be sent out in due course.

Very best wishes

Marion (Eyles)

Tel. no.: 07831-820967

Affiliation 2021/22

Forms for entering the Leagues in the coming season were sent to Club Secretaries today, 22nd April. Check with your Club Secretary that your Club will be entering the Leagues.

Cancellation of 2020/21 season

Further to my post earlier in October, the Executive Committee of the Association met virtually on Monday 19th October. Following a long discussion it was decided/agreed that all fixtures and tournaments for the whole of season 2020/21 are cancelled.

The Handbook and League Republic will be amended accordingly.

The League positions will be frozen, as at the end of season 2019/20, and used for the League positions of teams for season 2021/22.

It is hoped that come March/April, if the situation has improved, the Association will run a “Fun” team event over a weekend at a central location, say the Sir Craig Reedie Centre. Full details will be issued at a later date once interest has been established.Let us hope that season 2021/22 is more normal!

2020 AGM

The AGM of the Association was held virtually on Thursday 3rd September  at 7.30pm.

At the AGM the small changes to the Constitution were agreed to items (6) and (25).

Also discussed was the format of the Swan and Jack Trophies and it was agreed to change the format to 3 gents and 3 ladies forming the team. There will be 3 mixed doubles ties with the couples playing in order of merit followed by a level gents doubles, a level ladies doubles and finally a further mixed doubles made up of the players who did not play in the level doubles and also had not played together for their team in the earlier mixed doubles.

The Annual Championships were also discussed and it was agreed that for this season, players could enter the doubles events with a player from a different club. However, both players must be registered to a club within the Association.

The possible amalgamation of the Leagues in the West of Scotland and the survey being carried out of the players in the area by Badminton Scotland was discussed but we will await the outcome of the survey before discussing this further. 

It is hoped to start competitive matches in the middle of October and we await information from BADMINTONscotland on how play indoors should be organised.


2020/21 season planned

We have planned for the season ahead, but aware of the impact COVID-19 may have on the scheduling of games. We will continue to follow the guidance and make adjustments were necessary. In the meantime, here are the clubs who have registered for the Glasgow & District Churches Badminton Association for 2020/21.

You can see all scheduled matches by going to … results of matches will be posted on our social media channels (Instagram, Facebook and Twitter) when matches are submited to the site.